Orders received before 3.00PM (IST) usually ship out the same business day. Orders received after this time generally leave the next business day. We do not ship on Saturdays & Sundays. To cancel your order, send us an email at with your order details and we will cancel it promptly. Please note that we do not accept cancellations once the orders have been dispatched from our fulfillment center. Also, we ship currently in India ,only after confirmation via email.
For shipping, we work primarily with Blue Dart, DTDC, FedEx & DHL to deliver our teas in India. Express service takes about 4-5 days to deliver. Pin Codes which are not serviceable by our Logistics Partner may take extra days to deliver. For further information regarding shipping and cancellation policies, you can also email us an email at or and also call us at+91-8336900806 or +033- 22264440 for any further assistance.